
Old Man Shouts At Work

It’s pointless, but it feels good!

The Goal of Government

In Goldratt’s classic The Goal, there is a scene where the hero, Alex Rogo, is sitting in his car on the hill overlooking his factory. He is eating pizza and drinking beer while thinking about the question his mentor, Jonah, posed. What is the goal of your company? Alex considers the question and eventually concludes…

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Shared Service Centers: This Emperor Has No Clothes

Whether it be one-stop-shop call centers or unified intake through a shiny website, without dealing with the core issues of throughput and quality, all your customer experience efforts make no difference. Those of you who have spent a little time reading John Seddon will know that he likes to rail against call-centers. He explains how…

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Remote Work, Maslow, and Culture Shock

When the COVID-19 pandemic began to spread across the globe, many of us were sent home by our employers. A considerable proportion of us will remain there for at least the next year. Moving home took a lot of effort, but I do not think the transition is over. In this article, I will explain…

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